ERP Replacement Service

We specialize in helping mid-market companies replace obsolete ERP while avoiding new software that doesn’t meet expectations. As independent consultants, we don't sell, implement, or support software. We use our proprietary Wayferry Navigator software to complete projects faster, reduce business risks, and transform ERP purchases into investments that help you achieve your business goals.

Phase 1: Business discovery

  • Interview senior leadership to identify the business goals the new software must help the company achieve.

  • Interview business process owners to identify business processes the new software must execute and the outputs it must deliver.

  • Capture pain points with the current system that should be eliminated.

Phase 2: Requirements analysis

  • Define WHAT output the new software must deliver, who wants it, why they want it, and how important it is. (HOW the software will deliver that output is handled during the implementation.)

  • Create the Demo RFP, which contains only pain point requirements. New software that resolves these pain point requirements will deliver the most value.

  • Create the Demo script, which contains only pain point requirements. Demo scripts include instructions for what the vendor must demonstrate.

Phase 3: Software evaluation

  • Perform vendor and system integrator risk assessment. Check references. Select vendors to respond to the RFP.

  • Vendors respond to the Demo RFP. Because there are relatively few pain point requirements, vendors usually respond quickly.

  • The Wayferry Navigator automatically does the gap analysis that ranks potential software products by how well they meet your pain point requirements. We work with your team to facilitate the software shortlisted for demo.

Phase 4: Software demo & selection

  • Demos show how the software relieves your pain points.

  • The demo verifies the RFP. Buyers will see where vendors over-promised in the RFP and under-delivered in the demo.

  • Collect & summarize demo attendee feedback.

  • Facilitate your team in making the provisional software selection

Phase 5: Software purchase

  • Have the provisionally selected software vendor respond to the full RFP. This sets your expectations and avoids the Devils in the details problem.

  • Negotiation assistance. Purchasing ERP is a long-term investment. You also need to negotiate a good deal that minimizes future price increases.

Maximize software demo value

  • Buyers don’t have the time or interest for demos of all software features.

  • There is little business value in seeing demos of features common to all competing software products.

  • The greatest business value for the buyer is when they see demos of the software features that resolve their pain points.

Phase 6: Client implementation project management

  • Use information collected during the software selection to accelerate the system integrator discovery process.

  • Project manage system integrators to minimize the risk of the implementation schedule slipping and going over budget.

Phase 7: User Acceptance Tests

  • Projects conclude with formal user acceptance tests (UATs) before going live in production. Passing all UATs minimizes the risk of business disruption when going live.